ugly side of beggar’s hair

Une réflexion sur “ugly side of beggar’s hair

  1. Hi Thomas

    I know hearing from me is the last thing you want and/or would expect. First, I want to apologize for everything.
    For leaving you with the feeling this didn’t matter, you didn’t matter. I was selfish, I am aware of that, but I was scared (for many reasons). I hope you can forgive me for that.

    I’ve been thinking lately (in the past few months), too much in fact, yet, I haven’t found any answers to my so called big questions. But to make a long story short, I had some hard time putting things in perspective, and still, I am finding it hard to know how to be me, I didn’t know what to say (anymore), I didn’t know what to do anymore. All I wanted was silence, resulting in me, shutting down completely. I am sure it was also because I felt these conversations were too confronting in a way (which is good), but at the same time were « destroying » me. You made me get to know myself a little better.

    Again, I am sorry. I know this sounds too easy.

    How are you? What have you been up to lately? I hope you are okay.

    I hope you get this message because I wouldn’t know how else to contact you.

    Please let me know if you are okay (


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